Embracing Entrepreneurship as a Future for STEM: Know Opportunity vs. GoVenture

Learn how it plays, learn how it pays

There has been a belief that Science, Technology, Engineering, and math (STEM) careers are more well-paying than social science and arts. However, that is slowly changing as social science careers are closing the gap. It is interesting to note that several STEM graduates have turned their passion and hobbies into career opportunities. Recent studies have revealed that the same path followed to attain success in a STEM career is the same path that can be used to achieve entrepreneurial success.

Success in entrepreneurship depends heavily on logic and evidence and the willingness to experiment and creatively solve problems. STEM students can further grow their entrepreneurial prowess through the innovation of cutting-edge technologies that can make life easier for the community, and such innovations are then brought to the market. Taking part in such an endeavor could be more rewarding and satisfying to the students than getting a research job in some enterprise-level corporate.

Just as STEM learning is hands-on, so is learning entrepreneurship. Students learn how to solve problems in fun ways. There are new and fun ways to gain entrepreneurial culture and skills thanks to technological advancement. Know Opportunity and GoVenture are two reputable board game producers for entrepreneurial development. Based on your needs, you can try any of them for your children or students. Below is a comparison between Know Opportunity and GoVenture Board Games:

Age Targeted

Originally Know Opportunity was designed for high school students. However, this game has been sent out to hundreds of players who are not necessarily high school students, board game shops, and even high schools over the years. Most of its elements have proven viable for academic settings; thus, it has mostly been used by high school students. On the other hand, GoVenture was designed for players who are 12 years. Interestingly, this game has also been used by adults who want to transform their passion into career possibilities.

The Concept of the Games

In designing the Know Opportunity board game, the creators did not do so to guarantee the players’ jobs. However, playing this game opens your eyes to tremendous opportunities that you never considered an option in the past. The game gives you a competitive edge over your peers as you have the capability of discerning career opportunities in your hobbies and interests. On the other hand, the GoVenture game helps tap into the entrepreneurial vision of your child. While that makes it almost the same as Know opportunity, the only difference is that it is not for everyone but for a few who wants more than the status quo for their children.

Design used

These two games have different designs to achieve the same goal of developing entrepreneurial culture among the youths. In Know Opportunity games, students are taught global commerce, finance mathematics, financial security, expository writing, and extemporaneous speaking, while in GoVenture, the games are tailored towards branding, networking, communication, budgeting, and investing. Know Opportunity games seem to have edged GoVenture games in providing a curriculum that teaches adaptability, especially in this post-pandemic period.

Use Cases

As mentioned, Know Opportunity games have been sent out to various players, board games shops, and various high schools for testing and use. Among the countries that this game has been sent to are Trinidad, South Africa, Morocco, Netherlands, among others. On the other hand, GoVenture has sold only to nine countries globally, home-school parents, and various schools on the mid-west, west, and east coast.

Develop Your Child’s Entrepreneurial Skills with Know Opportunity

Entrepreneurship is the new normal in the current economic dispensation, and teaching your children about it is important. It is crucial to teach them to start thinking about their future and know Opportunities can help them do that. Guide your child’s entrepreneurial journey with Know Opportunity today.

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